I first heard this song when I watched the short movie included with "Y Tu Mama Tambien". I cant' remember the name of that clip, but it was basically about a married couple who was cheating on each other. This song plays during the credits at the end. When I first heard it, I was taken completely by surprise. Great song :)
اذا كنتم تبحثون عن السلام الداخلي..موسيقا تحمل الكثير من الحب والامل اذا كنتم تؤمنون ان العالم مازال يحمل الكثير من الجمال بداخله وسط كل هذا الصراع الدامي انضموا الينا ..فنحن ايضا نحلم بقوس قزح ترسمه نغمات رقيقة وقلب كبير يضم كل هذا العالم
I first heard this song when I watched the short movie included with "Y Tu Mama Tambien". I cant' remember the name of that clip, but it was basically about a married couple who was cheating on each other. This song plays during the credits at the end. When I first heard it, I was taken completely by surprise. Great song :)
Thanks (كالعادة) :)
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